2025 Cloudflare 1111 Families懶人包,推薦清單整理

參考內容推薦 for Families

Cloudflare在推出免費公共DNS服務1.1.1.1後,現在進一步提供免費的1.1.1.1 for ... 臺灣最大的DevOps 盛會—DevOpsDays Taipei 2024,將於7 月10-11 日於南港瓶蓋 ... IP addresses

2023年9月4日 — for Families categorizes destinations on the Internet based on the potential threat they pose regarding malware, phishing, or other ...

An easy guide for setting up Cloudflare for Families internet ...

2023年9月22日 — Cloudflare for Families is a free service offered by Cloudflare that lets you filter out access to adult content from your ...

CloudFlare 開放Families 測試,推出過攄惡意軟體攻擊以及 ...

2020年4月3日 — 後續的話,CloudFlare for Families 會建立在CloudFlare CDN Gateway ... Cloudflare 教學. 2021 年11 月4 日. Chinさん. SOHO & Portfolio Careerist.

Community Tip

2020年4月1日 — 1.1 for Families support DNS over HTTPS? Yes, to block malware, use security.cloudflare-dns.com , to block malware & adult content, use family.

Introducing for Families

2020年4月1日 — 1.1 for Families leverages Cloudflare's global network to ensure that it is fast and secure around the world. And it includes the same strong ...

Set up on Android

2023年11月21日 — In DNS settings > for Families, select the option you want to use. ​​ Configure manually. ​​ Android 11 or later. Android 11 ...

Set up on iOS

2023年11月21日 — 1.1 for Families. Open Faster Internet. Tap the menu button. Select Advanced > Connection options. In DNS settings > ...

Set up Cloudflare resolver

2024年1月17日 — for Families categorizes destinations on the Internet based on the potential threat they pose regarding malware, phishing, or other ...